Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is established and chaired by an independent non-executive board member. Its mission is to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of internal audit tasks and the internal control system, and the adequacy of reporting and decision tools.
The Audit Committee comprises three non-executive board members:

Mr. SRENG Samork

Mr. KAY Lot

Mr. Claude FALGON
The committee meets at least four times a year, and otherwise as required. The duties of the committee are to review internal and external audit functions, monitor the integrity of financial statements, ensure compliance with internal policies, laws and regulations, and review risk management and internal controls in order to provide recommendations for improvement.
Internal Audit Department
The IAD is independent of all Amret’s operations and reports directly to the Audit Committee. Its vision is to be recognized as a professional internal audit body that provides value-added recommendations to management and trusted consultation to the Board. Its mission is to provide professional and independent appraisals of Amret’s activities in order to add value by improving operational efficiency and effectiveness, monitoring internal control systems, and ensuring compliance with policies, laws and regulations.