Carry out your day-to-day business banking with an account that is easy to open and simple to manage. Monitor your finances through Amret Mobile app, get access to the complimentary payroll service, pay suppliers and get payment from clients anywhere in Cambodia through comprehensive delivery channels include Amret’s 150 branches and 10,000+ Wing and True agents. Plus, you will receive an interest of up to 2.25%.
If you are a biller (Electricity, Water), save time and money by taking advantage of our bill payment service:
> Unlimited and 24h/ 7D transactions
> Currency options – KHR and USD
> Simple payroll and bill payment management through our platform
Note: This account is eligible for corporate customers only.
Condition | Minimum Balance | Annual Interest Rates | ||
- | KHR | USD | KHR | USD |
Daily | 200,000 | 50 | 2.25% | 1.25% |
*Amret reserves the right to modify pricing without prior notice.
For Corporate commerce Account is depend on branches allowance.
For Corporate commerce Account cannot register Amret Mobile , but If you want to register you need to create another account which link with Corporate Commerce Account you will see all the balance in your new account registration but that Corporate Commerce Account cannot be doing any transaction.
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