To ensure the company's business is conducted professionally, Amret define code of conducts for all staff to abide by:
As an Amret staff member I...
Avoid any personal or business interests that could conflict with the best interests of Amret, its client, or its suppliers. Disclose any potential conflicts immediately.
Treat all clients with respect and fairness, upholding the highest ethical standards as outlined by client protection principles.
Keep the confidentiality of information includes business strategies, plans, policies, financial data, and information of suppliers, clients, and staff, etc.
Create a positive working environment that free from all forms of abuse, discrimination, and harassment, including sexual harassment.
Foster a culture of safety and well-being in the workplace.
Act responsibly towards society and the environment by implementing sustainable practices and ethical business conduct.
Actively report and prevent dishonest behavior linked to fraud and corruption.
Maintain a professional appearance and conduct my self with courtesy both on and off the job. Ensure my activities do not negatively impact Amret's reputation.
Committed to complying with this Code of Conduct, all applicable country laws, and Amret's policies and procedures.